title = "Estimating efficiency of Australian accommodation industry: A regional level of analysis using output-orientated DEA approach",
author = "Vivian Allen and Carolyn Tran and Glenn Murray and Bryn James and Andrew Le and Alexander Roper",
note = "Murray, Glenn; Tran, Carolyn; James, Bryn; Allen, Vivian; Le, Andrew and Roper, Alexander. Estimating efficiency of Australian accommodation industry: A regional level of analysis using output-orientated DEA approach [online]. In: CAUTHE 2020: 20: 20 Vision: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University of Technology, 2020: 648. Availability: <https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=077457280146789;res=IELBUS> EISSN: 9780473509224. ISBN: 9780473509231. [cited 20 Aug 20].; CAUTHE 2020: 20: 20 Vision: New Perspectives on the Diversity of Hospitality, Tourism and Events ; Conference date: 10-02-2020 Through 13-02-2020",
year = "2020",
language = "English",
url = "https://www.cauthe2020.org/",