Integrated Child and Family Hub models for detecting and responding to family adversity: protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation in two sites

Teresa Hall, Sharon Goldfeld, Hayley Loftus, Suzy Honisett, Hueiming Liu, Denise De Souza, Cate Bailey, Andrea Rupert, Marie B.H. Yap, Valsamma Eapen, Ric Haslam, Lena Sanci, Jane Fisher, John G. Eastwood, Ferdinand C. Mukumbang, Sarah Loveday, Renee Jones, Leanne Constable, Suzie Forell, Zoe MorrisAlicia Montgomery, Glenn Pringle, Kim Dalziel, Harriet Hiscock

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Integrated community healthcare Hubs may offer a ‘one stop shop’ for service users with complex health and social needs, and more efficiently use service resources. Various policy imperatives exist to implement Hub models of care, however, there is a dearth of research specifically evaluating Hubs targeted at families experiencing adversity. To contribute to building this evidence, we propose to co-design, test and evaluate integrated Hub models of care in two Australian community health services in low socioeconomic areas that serve families experiencing adversity: Wyndham Vale in Victoria and Marrickville in New South Wales. Methods and analysis This multisite convergent mixed-methods study will run over three phases to (1) develop the initial Hub programme theory through formative research; (2) test and, then, (3) refine the Hub theory using empirical data. Phase 1 involves co-design of each Hub with caregivers, community members and practitioners. Phase 2 uses caregiver and Hub practitioner surveys at baseline, and 6 and 12 months after Hub implementation, and in-depth interviews at 12 months. Two stakeholder groups will be recruited: caregivers (n=100–200 per site) and Hub practitioners (n=20–30 per site). The intervention is a co-located Hub providing health, social, legal and community services with no comparator. The primary outcomes are caregiver-reported: (i) identification of, (ii) interventions received and/or (iii) referrals received for adversity from Hub practitioners. The study also assesses child, caregiver, practitioner and system outcomes including mental health, parenting, quality of life, care experience and service linkages. Primary and secondary outcomes will be assessed by examining change in proportions/means from baseline to 6 months, from 6 to 12 months and from baseline to 12 months. Service linkages will be analysed using social network analysis. Costs of Hub implementation and a health economics analysis of unmet need will be conducted. Thematic analysis will be employed to analyse qualitative data. Ethics and dissemination Royal Children’s Hospital and Sydney Local Health District ethics committees have approved the study (HREC/62866/RCHM-2020). Participants and stakeholders will receive results through meetings, presentations and publications. Trial registration number ISRCTN55495932 .
Original languageEnglish
Article number12:e055431
Pages (from-to)1-12
Number of pages12
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2022


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