The Socio-ecological Correlates of Meal Skipping in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review

Holly Wild, Yeji Baek, Shivangi Shah, Danijela Gasevic , Alice J. Owen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


The Socio-ecological Correlates of Meal Skipping in Community Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review
Ms. Holly Wild1, 2, Ms. Yeji Baek1, Miss Shivangi Shah1, Dr. Danijela Gasevic1, Dr. Alice Owen1 1School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2Nutritional Medicine Department, Torrens University, Melbourne, Australia
SIG - Primary Choice: A. Ageing Age Category: Older adults 65+ yrs
Subject Category: Nutrition

Purpose: To systematically examine, appraise and synthesise the current literature exploring the association between socioecological factors and meal skipping in community dwelling older adults

Methods: EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL and MEDLINE electronic databases were searched from inception to March 2021 for original research studies on the association between socio-ecological factors and meal skipping in community dwelling adults 65+ years.

Results: The database search identified 473 studies, and 23 of which were eligible for the review. The frequency of meal skipping ranged between 2.1% to 61%. This review identified four domains of socio-ecological correlates associated with meal skipping in older adults: socio-demographic, behavioural, biomedical, psychological and social. A majority of the studies selected, highlighted that the prevalence of meal skipping was higher for men, for those who lived alone and for those who experienced economic and social disadvantage. Low psychological wellbeing was associated with meal skipping in numerous studies, conversely, higher levels of happiness were associated with a lower risk of meal skipping behaviour. This review also highlighted that health behaviours such as smoking and alcohol were key correlates of meal skipping.

Conclusion: This review identified multiple factors associated with meal skipping in older adults and can help inform the development of targeted interventions to improve nutrition and health in this population group.

Systematic review registration: PROSPERO (CRD42021249338)
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2022
EventInternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - Phoenix, United States
Duration: 18 May 202221 May 2022
Conference number: 21


ConferenceInternational Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Abbreviated titleISBNPA
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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